PwC and Google security operations: Be ready for anything

Despite increases in cybersecurity spending and awareness, organizations struggle to keep pace with the ever-changing threat landscape. The average cost of a data breach is increasing year over year. Furthermore, different stakeholders within an organization face different sets of security challenges and current SecOps methods and solutions often do not scale to meet these challenges. An investment in improving SecOps can result in a large return on investment for your organization.

PwC security operations (SecOps) offerings focus on working with your organization to help transform and modernize your SecOps function. Our approach focuses on articulating the value in modernizing your SecOps function, and working together to implement and enable Google Chronicle to realize that value.

Our SecOps offerings include:

Strategy and proof of value for transformation

CISOs are facing budget limitations coupled with increasing alert volume and resourcing issues. They see the value in modernizing, but need support in defining value and a related roadmap to the transformation.

PwC can help identify the current state of SecOps across the organization while also defining the target strategy and value in transformation. From there, PwC can work with your organization to help create the roadmap to achieve the SecOps transformation.

Initial deployment and full implementation for Google Chronicle

The SecOps department costs should be reduced while maintaining operational excellence. Implementing a scalable solution like Google Chronicle can help detect events in a better manner. PwC can help assess the current uses and architecture of your current solution, establish measures of success, and deploy and finalize implementation to reach parity.

Security operations and organizational transformation

Security and risk leadership require fundamentally re-architecting their operations in order to address faster evolution of threats, limited budget and resources, and growing needs of the business to accelerate digital transformations and cloud adoption. PwC can work with your leaders to help define and implement a multi-year strategy to unlock the overall potential of a transformation enabled by the Google Security Platform across your broad security function.

PwC and Google

Learn more about how PwC can provide digital and business transformations powered by Google Cloud — built on trust, powered by data.

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Matthew Wilden

Principal, Google Cybersecurity Alliance Leader, PwC US


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